Lost and Found: Self-Worth & The Midlife Shadow

Uncategorized Oct 14, 2023


In our pursuit of meaningful connection & authentic living, we all share the deep desire to be seen, heard, and valued for who we truly are.

And yet, in the transitional space that characterises mid-life, women often find themselves entangled in complexities that overshadow their authenticity. This shadow, a combination of harmful societal pressures & past experiences, manifests as a formidable adversary, subtly eroding confidence and self-worth.

 Over time, this opponent secures its place: it is within the feminine psyche, that "The Midlife Shadow" takes root. This subtle influence, comprising societal norms and past traumas, employs insidious tactics designed to distort reality and undermine self-confidence

The Power of Acknowledgment

In this sticky webacknowledging the light becomes an act of defiance. As uncomfortable as it may be, there is solace to be found in the truth of emotions & unmet needs.

Learning to hold space for that discomfort often heralds the arrival of profound self revelation; the most fundamental of which is the realisation that the problem of low self worth is not inherent, but rather a result of external forces.

Recognising the signs

A healthy sense of self is characterised by a woman who values & accepts herself & who demonstrates a genuine care for her needs & overall well-being.

The following characteristics indicate a robust inner self health. 

Emotional Self-Validation:

  • Self-Acceptance: She embraces all facets of herself, accepting her strengths and acknowledging areas for growth without self-judgment.

  • Self-Compassion: She treats herself with kindness and understanding, especially during challenging moments, fostering resilience and emotional well-being.

Effective Self-Communication:

  • Open Self-Dialogue: She engages in open and honest conversations with herself, allowing her thoughts and feelings to be acknowledged without suppression.

  • Positive Self-Talk: Her inner dialogue is supportive and empowering, encouraging self-belief and self-assurance.

Emotional Intimacy with Self:

  • Self-Connection: She nurtures a deep emotional connection with herself, allowing for self-reflection and introspection.

  • Self-Understanding: She strives to understand her emotions, motivations, and desires, promoting self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

Fulfilment of Emotional Needs:

  • Self-Care: She prioritizes her emotional well-being, engaging in activities and practices that bring her joy, peace, and fulfilment.

  • Self-Love: She practices self-love, acknowledging her worthiness of love and appreciation, and sets boundaries that honor her emotional needs.

Personal Growth and Self-Development:

  • Continuous Learning: She values personal growth, continuously learning and exploring new interests, skills, and perspectives.

  • Goal Pursuit: She sets and works toward personal goals, nurturing her passions and ambitions, and celebrating her achievements, no matter how small.

Confidence and Self-Belief:

  • Self-Confidence: She believes in her abilities and trusts herself to navigate challenges, fostering confidence in her decisions and actions.

  • Self-Empowerment: She recognizes her power to shape her own life, making choices aligned with her values and aspirations.

Emotional Fulfilment and Joy:

  • Self-Contentment: She finds contentment within herself, appreciating her worthiness irrespective of external validations.
  • Self-Joy: She engages in activities that bring her genuine happiness and fulfillment, finding joy in her own company and self-expression.

Emotional Well-Being and Self-Respect:

  • Self-Respect: She sets boundaries that honour her emotional well-being, respecting her own needs, and ensuring they are met.

  • Emotional Resilience: She develops emotional resilience, capable of bouncing back from setbacks, nurturing a positive outlook on life.

It is upon these skills that a robust foundation of self-worth, emotional well-being, and authenticity is renewed & rebuilt. 

The Triumph of Self-Recovery

This kind of healing is a process; one that unfolds as a profound metamorphosis. It’s a reclaiming of self that requires delving into the depths of your soul, facing your fears, and embracing the complexities that make you human.


By learning & cultivating these skills within her self-relationship, a woman can build a strong foundation of self-worth, emotional well-being, and authenticity, empowering her to lead a fulfilling and empowered life.

All you need is desire & a willingness to commit yourself to the process of higher-self development

Amanda xx 



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